{ m_InputMacros = [ { m_Name = "SELECTION_ADD_KEY" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Name = "SELECTION_REMOVE_KEY" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Name = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, ] m_Bindings = [ { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "FileOpen" m_Input = "Ctrl+O" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "FileSave" m_Input = "Ctrl+S" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "FileSaveAs" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+S" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "SaveActivePrefab" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+S" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "FileReload" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F12" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "FileNew" m_Input = "Ctrl+N" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "NextSession" m_Input = "Ctrl+Tab" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "PreviousSession" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Tab" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "BuildMap" m_Input = "F9" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleShowHelpers" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+H" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleTextureLockScale" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Y" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "TogglePropertiesPopup" m_Input = "Alt+Enter" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "TogglePropertiesPopup" m_Input = "Alt+NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ShowMapVariablesPopup" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+M" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ShowMapPropertiesPopup" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+P" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleShowGameObjectsOnly" m_Input = "Shift+O" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleSelectThrough" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+L" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ViewDistanceNext" m_Input = "Alt+MWheelUp" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ViewDistancePrev" m_Input = "Alt+MWheelDn" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ShowMapManifestWidget" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+M" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleGridNav" m_Input = "Ctrl+Q" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleToolsMaterials" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F2" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleSelectionOverlay" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F4" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleInstanceOverlay" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F5" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleMeshSubdivision" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F6" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleMeshTiles3D" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F7" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleMeshTiles2D" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F8" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleSelectBackfacing" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F9" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ToggleFullscreenLayout" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+Z" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "ShowEntityReport" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+R" }, { m_Context = "HammerApp" m_Command = "CycleEditUVSet" m_Input = "Alt+Y" }, { m_Context = "SessionCycleWidget" m_Command = "KeepActive" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "SessionCycleWidget" m_Command = "NextSession" m_Input = "Ctrl+Tab" }, { m_Context = "SessionCycleWidget" m_Command = "PreviousSession" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Tab" }, { m_Context = "MapManifestWidget" m_Command = "RefreshView" m_Input = "F5" }, { m_Context = "HammerObjectPropertyPopup" m_Command = "HidePropertyWindow" m_Input = "Alt+Enter" }, { m_Context = "HammerObjectPropertyPopup" m_Command = "HidePropertyWindow" m_Input = "Alt+NumEnter"}, { m_Context = "HammerObjectPropertyPopup" m_Command = "HidePropertyWindow" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "MapView" m_Command = "ShowContextMenu" m_Input = "RMouse" }, { m_Context = "MapView" m_Command = "MaterialTraceLift" m_Input = "Shift+RMouse" }, { m_Context = "MapView" m_Command = "MaterialTraceLift" m_Input = "Ctrl+M" }, { m_Context = "MapView" m_Command = "SnapCameraToTargetUnderMouse" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+A" }, { m_Context = "MapView" m_Command = "DetachViewFromObject" m_Input = "Ctrl+Backspace" }, { m_Context = "PaneContainer" m_Command = "2D_Top" m_Input = "F2" }, { m_Context = "PaneContainer" m_Command = "2D_Front" m_Input = "F3" }, { m_Context = "PaneContainer" m_Command = "2D_Side" m_Input = "F4" }, { m_Context = "PaneContainer" m_Command = "3D_FullBrightNoLighting" m_Input = "F5" }, { m_Context = "PaneContainer" m_Command = "3D_AllLighting" m_Input = "F6" }, { m_Context = "PaneContainer" m_Command = "Rtx_Path_Tracing" m_Input = "Alt+F6" }, { m_Context = "PaneContainer" m_Command = "3D_ToolsVis" m_Input = "F7" }, { m_Context = "PaneContainer" m_Command = "ToggleWireframeOverlay" m_Input = "F8" }, { m_Context = "PaneContainer" m_Command = "ToggleShadows" m_Input = "F10" }, { m_Context = "PaneContainer" m_Command = "ToggleMeshEdges" m_Input = "F11" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionModeVertices" m_Input = "1" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionModeEdges" m_Input = "2" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionModeFaces" m_Input = "3" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionModeMeshes" m_Input = "4" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionModeObjects" m_Input = "5" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionModeGroups" m_Input = "6" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionModeNav" m_Input = "8" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CycleSelectionModes" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CycleSelectionTopLevelModes" m_Input = "Shift+Space" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ClearSelection" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectAll" m_Input = "Ctrl+A" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "InvertSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+I" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectParent" m_Input = "Ctrl+PgUp" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "DeleteSelection" m_Input = "Del" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "Cut" m_Input = "Ctrl+X" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "Copy" m_Input = "Ctrl+C" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "Paste" m_Input = "Ctrl+V" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "PasteSpecial" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+V" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "GroupSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+G" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "UngroupSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+U" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "UngroupSelectionRecursive" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+U" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ReparentSelection" m_Input = "P" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "UnparentSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+P" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CreateInstanceFromSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+G" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "BakeSelectedInstances" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+U" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "MovePropsToWorld" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+T" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CreateTile" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+O" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CreateTileMesh" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+I" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "MirrorHorizontal" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+J" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "MirrorVertical" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+K" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectSimilar" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+O" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CreateLatticeDeformer" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+L" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CreateSimpleDeformer" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+D" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "Undo" m_Input = "Ctrl+Z" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "Undo" m_Input = "Alt+Backspace" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "Redo" m_Input = "Ctrl+Y" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "Redo" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Z" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "Redo" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+Backspace" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "FindEntities" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "TieToEntity" m_Input = "Ctrl+T" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "MoveToWorld" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+W" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SnapToGrid" m_Input = "Ctrl+B" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SnapToGridIndividually" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+B" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "QuickHideSelection" m_Input = "H" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "QuickHideUnselected" m_Input = "Ctrl+H" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ShowQuickHide" m_Input = "U" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionSetFromQuickHide" m_Input = "Shift+R" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "Shift+W" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToggleSnapToVertices" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+X" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToggleSnapToGrid" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Q" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "MapGridLower" m_Input = "[" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "MapGridHigher" m_Input = "]" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "DecreaseRotationSnapping" m_Input = "Ctrl+[" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "IncreaseRotationSnapping" m_Input = "Ctrl+]" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CenterViews" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+E" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "Center2DViews" m_Input = "Ctrl+E" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "FrameAllViews" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+A" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToggleSingleView" m_Input = "Shift+Z" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CycleViews" m_Input = "Ctrl+Space" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CycleAndFrameViews" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Space"}, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ActivateViewUnderCursor" m_Input = "Alt+LMouse" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToggleNavMarkupVisibility" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+D" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToggleOverlayShapes" m_Input = "Shift+N" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SetManipulationModeSelection" m_Input = "Shift+S" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ManipulationModeSelection" m_Input = "Q" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ManipulationModeTranslate" m_Input = "T" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ManipulationModeRotate" m_Input = "R" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ManipulationModeScale" m_Input = "E" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ManipulationModePivot" m_Input = "Ins" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolPivotPicker" m_Input = "TAB" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolBlock" m_Input = "Shift+B" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolPhysics" m_Input = "Shift+C" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolEntity" m_Input = "Shift+E" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolDisplacement" m_Input = "Shift+D" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolClipper" m_Input = "Shift+X" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolPath" m_Input = "Shift+P" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolPaint" m_Input = "Shift+V" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolMirror" m_Input = "Shift+F" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolMeshProjection" m_Input = "Shift+Y" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToolWorkPlane" m_Input = "Shift+Q" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ResetWorkPlane" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+Q" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "CreateSelectionSet" m_Input = "Ctrl+R" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "HideUnselected" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+R" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionConvert" m_Input = "Alt" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionConnected" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "SelectionBoundry" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToggleCordoning" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+C" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "NewCordon" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+N" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "RepeatCommand" m_Input = "Shift+G" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ExitActiveEditScope" m_Input = "Ctrl+Backspace" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "ToggleCollisionModels" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F3" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "RestartParticleEffects" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F11" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "UpdateAllIsoSurfaces" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+I" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "AttachViewToObject" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Ins" }, { m_Context = "HammerEditorSession" m_Command = "RandomizeChoices" m_Input = "Alt+G" }, { m_Context = "ToolPivotPicker" m_Command = "PlacePivot" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPivotPicker" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "SelectionSetEditor" m_Command = "DeleteSelectionSet" m_Input = "Del" }, { m_Context = "SelectionSetEditor" m_Command = "SelectionAddModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_ADD_KEY" }, { m_Context = "SelectionSetEditor" m_Command = "SelectionRemoveModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_REMOVE_KEY"}, { m_Context = "SelectionSetEditor" m_Command = "RenameSelectionSet" m_Input = "F2" }, { m_Context = "MapVariablesEditor" m_Command = "DeleteSelected" m_Input = "Del" }, { m_Context = "ToolBlock" m_Command = "DragBlock" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolBlock" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolBlock" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolBlock" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolBlock" m_Command = "CancelCreate" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolBlock" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolBlock" m_Command = "AlignToSurface" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolPolygon" m_Command = "AddPoint" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPolygon" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolPolygon" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolPolygon" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolPolygon" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolPolygon" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolClipper" m_Command = "DragClip" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolClipper" m_Command = "FinishClip" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolClipper" m_Command = "FinishClip" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolClipper" m_Command = "DoClip" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolClipper" m_Command = "CancelClip" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolClipper" m_Command = "ToggleCreateCaps" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+X" }, { m_Context = "ToolClipper" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolTextureProjection" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolTextureProjection" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolTextureProjection" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolTextureProjection" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolTextureProjection" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolTextureProjection" m_Command = "Translate" m_Input = "Shift+T" }, { m_Context = "ToolTextureProjection" m_Command = "Rotate" m_Input = "Shift+R" }, { m_Context = "ToolMirror" m_Command = "DragPlane" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolMirror" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolMirror" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolMirror" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolMirror" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolMirror" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolEntity" m_Command = "DragCreatePoint" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolEntity" m_Command = "TraceAndCreate" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolEntity" m_Command = "Create" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolEntity" m_Command = "Create" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolEntity" m_Command = "CancelCreate" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolEntity" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "GizmoManipulator" m_Command = "Drag" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "GizmoManipulator" m_Command = "StampClone" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "GizmoManipulator" m_Command = "SetBoxManipulateAboutCenter" m_Input = "K" }, { m_Context = "GizmoManipulator" m_Command = "SetBoxManipulateApplyUniformScaling" m_Input = "J" }, { m_Context = "GizmoManipulator" m_Command = "LockedManipulation" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "GizmoManipulator" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, // private bindings not to be remapped by user. These should match ones ones in ToolSelection { m_Context = "GizmoManipulator" m_Command = "GizmoApplyValue" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, // End private { m_Context = "SphereManipulator" m_Command = "Drag" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "AxisRotatorManipulator" m_Command = "Drag" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "AxisRotatorManipulator" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "BoxManipulator" m_Command = "Drag" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "BoxManipulator" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "BoxManipulator" m_Command = "ToggleEditEdgeFades" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "RectangleManipulator" m_Command = "Drag" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "RectangleManipulator" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "PointManipulator" m_Command = "SelectPoint" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "PointOnLineManipulator" m_Command = "Drag" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "StaticPointManipulator" m_Command = "Click" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "StaticPointManipulator" m_Command = "MouseWheelUp" m_Input = "MWheelUp" }, { m_Context = "StaticPointManipulator" m_Command = "MouseWheelDown" m_Input = "MWheelDn" }, { m_Context = "BarnLightManipulator" m_Command = "Drag" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "BarnLightManipulator" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "BarnLightManipulator" m_Command = "ResizeNear" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "BarnLightManipulator" m_Command = "ConstrainProportions" m_Input = "Alt" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ShrinkSelection" m_Input = "NumSub" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ShrinkSelection" m_Input = "-" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GrowSelection" m_Input = "NumAdd" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GrowSelection" m_Input = "=" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "AddToSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "RemoveFromSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "RemoveFromSelectionOldest" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "FlipNormals" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "SelectLoop" m_Input = "L" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "CutTool" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "QuadSlice" m_Input = "Ctrl+D" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "JustifyCenter" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Ins" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "JustifyLeft" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "JustifyRight" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+End" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "JustifyTop" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+PgUp" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "JustifyBottom" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+PgDn" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "JustifyFit" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Del" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "AlignWorld" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+T" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "AlignFace" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+F" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "AlignView" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "Select" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "LassoSelect" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "TranslateLasso" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "SelectionAddModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_ADD_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "SelectionRemoveModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_REMOVE_KEY"}, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "Extrude" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "Constrain" m_Input = "Alt" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "SelectContiguous" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "SelectContiguousFiltered" m_Input = "Alt+LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "WrapTexture" m_Input = "Alt+RMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "WrapTextureToSelection" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+RMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "TraceAndLiftMaterial" m_Input = "Shift+RMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "PaintMaterial" m_Input = "Ctrl+RMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeUp" m_Input = "Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateUp" m_Input = "Alt+Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeDown" m_Input = "Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateDown" m_Input = "Alt+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeLeft" m_Input = "Left" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateLeft" m_Input = "Alt+Left" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRight" m_Input = "Right" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateRight" m_Input = "Alt+Right" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ApplyMaterialToSelection" m_Input = "Shift+T" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "Bridge" m_Input = "B" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "BridgeTool" m_Input = "Alt+B" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ThickenTool" m_Input = "G" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "FaceBevelTool" m_Input = "Ctrl+F" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "MoveToFurthestFace" m_Input = "Alt+W" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "Mirror" m_Input = "M" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeTextureRight" m_Input = "Mouse5" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeTextureLeft" m_Input = "Mouse4" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeTextureUp" m_Input = "Shift+Mouse5" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NudgeTextureDown" m_Input = "Shift+Mouse4" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "JustifyRight" m_Input = "Ctrl+Mouse5" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "JustifyLeft" m_Input = "Ctrl+Mouse4" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "JustifyTop" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Mouse5" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "JustifyBottom" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+Mouse4" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "Combine" m_Input = "Backspace" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "Collapse" m_Input = "O" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "Detach" m_Input = "N" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "Extract" m_Input = "Alt+N" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ClearPivot" m_Input = "Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "CenterPivotInView" m_Input = "Ctrl+Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "SetPivotToWorldOrigin" m_Input = "Ctrl+End" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "EndPivotManipulation" m_Input = "Ins" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "IncreaseSubdivisionLevel" m_Input = "," }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "DecreaseSubdivisionLevel" m_Input = "." }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "MoveObjectDownByTraceLocal" m_Input = "Ctrl+Num1" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "MoveObjectDownByTrace" m_Input = "Ctrl+Num2" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "NextTile" m_Input = "Alt+F" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "PreviousTile" m_Input = "Alt+V" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "RandomTile" m_Input = "Alt+G" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "RotateTexture90CCW" m_Input = "Alt+Q" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "RotateTexture90CW" m_Input = "Alt+A" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "FlipTextureHorizontal" m_Input = "Alt+D" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "FlipTextureVertical" m_Input = "Alt+E" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ApplyMaterialByHotspot" m_Input = "Alt+H" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "FastTextureTool" m_Input = "Ctrl+G" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ToggleHotspotApplyMaterial" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+G" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ToggleHotspotTilingMode" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+T" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ToggleHotspotAllowRandom" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+R" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ToggleHotspotPerFace" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+F" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ToggleHotspotMappingMode" m_Input = "Shift+Alt+D" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "RadialAlign" m_Input = "Alt+S" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "ReflectPie" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+W" }, // Private bindings not to be remapped by user. These should match ones ones in GizmoManipulator { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey0" m_Input = "Num0" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey1" m_Input = "Num1" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey2" m_Input = "Num2" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey3" m_Input = "Num3" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey4" m_Input = "Num4" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey5" m_Input = "Num5" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey6" m_Input = "Num6" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey7" m_Input = "Num7" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey8" m_Input = "Num8" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey9" m_Input = "Num9" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKeyDecimal" m_Input = "NumDec" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoComma" m_Input = "," }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKeyMinus" m_Input = "NumSub" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoClearValue" m_Input = "Backspace" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceSelection" m_Command = "GizmoApplyValue" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, // End private { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "Select" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "LassoSelect" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "TranslateLasso" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "SelectionAddModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_ADD_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "SelectionRemoveModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_REMOVE_KEY"}, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GrowSelection" m_Input = "NumAdd" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GrowSelection" m_Input = "=" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "ShrinkSelection" m_Input = "NumSub" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "ShrinkSelection" m_Input = "-" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "AddToSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "RemoveFromSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "RemoveFromSelectionOldest" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "SelectLoop" m_Input = "L" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "SelectContiguous" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "CutTool" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "CreateNewEdge" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "Merge" m_Input = "M" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "MergeTarget" m_Input = "Ctrl+M" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "MergeFixed" m_Input = "Shift+M" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "MoveToFurthestVertex" m_Input = "Alt+W" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "SnapToVertex" m_Input = "B" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "NudgeUp" m_Input = "Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateUp" m_Input = "Alt+Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "NudgeDown" m_Input = "Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateDown" m_Input = "Alt+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "NudgeLeft" m_Input = "Left" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateLeft" m_Input = "Alt+Left" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRight" m_Input = "Right" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateRight" m_Input = "Alt+Right" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "ClearPivot" m_Input = "Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "CenterPivotInView" m_Input = "Ctrl+Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "SetPivotToWorldOrigin" m_Input = "Ctrl+End" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "EndPivotManipulation" m_Input = "Ins" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "Bevel" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "Extrude" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "Constrain" m_Input = "Alt" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "MoveObjectDownByTraceLocal" m_Input = "Ctrl+Num1" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "MoveObjectDownByTrace" m_Input = "Ctrl+Num2" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "WeldUVs" m_Input = "Ctrl+F" }, // Private bindings not to be remapped by user. These should match ones ones in GizmoManipulator { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey0" m_Input = "Num0" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey1" m_Input = "Num1" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey2" m_Input = "Num2" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey3" m_Input = "Num3" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey4" m_Input = "Num4" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey5" m_Input = "Num5" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey6" m_Input = "Num6" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey7" m_Input = "Num7" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey8" m_Input = "Num8" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey9" m_Input = "Num9" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKeyDecimal" m_Input = "NumDec" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoComma" m_Input = "," }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKeyMinus" m_Input = "NumSub" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoClearValue" m_Input = "Backspace" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexSelection" m_Command = "GizmoApplyValue" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, // End private { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Select" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "LassoSelect" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "TranslateLasso" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SelectionAddModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_ADD_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SelectionRemoveModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_REMOVE_KEY"}, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "ShrinkSelection" m_Input = "NumSub" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "ShrinkSelection" m_Input = "-" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GrowSelection" m_Input = "NumAdd" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GrowSelection" m_Input = "=" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "AddToSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "RemoveFromSelection" m_Input = "Ctrl+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "RemoveFromSelectionOldest" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "CutTool" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "ArcTool" m_Input = "Y" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SelectSingleLoop" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SelectLoop" m_Input = "L" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SelectRing" m_Input = "G" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SelectRibs" m_Input = "Ctrl+G" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "CreatePolygonFromEdges" m_Input = "P" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Dissolve" m_Input = "Backspace" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "DissolveAgressive" m_Input = "Shift+Backspace" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Bridge" m_Input = "B" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "BridgeTool" m_Input = "Alt+B" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Merge" m_Input = "M" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Split" m_Input = "Alt+N" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SnapEdgeToEdge" m_Input = "I" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "MoveToFurthestEdge" m_Input = "Alt+W" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Extrude" m_Input = "X" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Extend" m_Input = "N" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Connect" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Bevel" m_Input = "Alt+F" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "BevelTool" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Collapse" m_Input = "O" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SetNormalsHard" m_Input = "H" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SetNormalsSoft" m_Input = "J" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SetNormalsDefault" m_Input = "K" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "TransformExtrude" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "Constrain" m_Input = "Alt" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "ClearPivot" m_Input = "Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "CenterPivotInView" m_Input = "Ctrl+Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "SetPivotToWorldOrigin" m_Input = "Ctrl+End" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "EndPivotManipulation" m_Input = "Ins" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "MoveObjectDownByTraceLocal" m_Input = "Ctrl+Num1" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "MoveObjectDownByTrace" m_Input = "Ctrl+Num2" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "WeldUVs" m_Input = "Ctrl+F" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "RadialAlign" m_Input = "Alt+S" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "NudgeUp" m_Input = "Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateUp" m_Input = "Alt+Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "NudgeDown" m_Input = "Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateDown" m_Input = "Alt+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "NudgeLeft" m_Input = "Left" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateLeft" m_Input = "Alt+Left" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRight" m_Input = "Right" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateRight" m_Input = "Alt+Right" }, // Private bindings not to be remapped by user. These should match ones ones in GizmoManipulator { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey0" m_Input = "Num0" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey1" m_Input = "Num1" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey2" m_Input = "Num2" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey3" m_Input = "Num3" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey4" m_Input = "Num4" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey5" m_Input = "Num5" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey6" m_Input = "Num6" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey7" m_Input = "Num7" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey8" m_Input = "Num8" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey9" m_Input = "Num9" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKeyDecimal" m_Input = "NumDec" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoComma" m_Input = "," }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKeyMinus" m_Input = "NumSub" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoClearValue" m_Input = "Backspace" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeSelection" m_Command = "GizmoApplyValue" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, // End private { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "CutEdge" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "AlignedSnap" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "PlaceCut" m_Input = "B" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "PlaceCut" m_Input = "Ctrl+B" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "ToggleLoopCut" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "ToggleLoopCutEven" m_Input = "E" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeCut" m_Command = "ToggleLoopCutFlip" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexNormalPaint" m_Command = "Paint" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexNormalPaint" m_Command = "Erase" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexNormalPaint" m_Command = "ScaleBrush" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolVertexNormalPaint" m_Command = "FreezeNormal" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeArc" m_Command = "AdjustParameters" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeArc" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeArc" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeArc" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeArc" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeArc" m_Command = "LockToAxis" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeArc" m_Command = "IncreaseNumSteps" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeArc" m_Command = "DecreaseNumSteps" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolEdgeArc" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Ctrl+G" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "ToggleFlipHorizontal" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "ToggleFlipVertical" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "TogglePrimaryAxis" m_Input = "X" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "MappingUnwrapSquare" m_Input = "1" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "MappingUnwrapConforming" m_Input = "2" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "MappingUnwrapQuads" m_Input = "3" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "MappingPlanar" m_Input = "4" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "MappingUseExisting" m_Input = "5" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "SmallerGrid" m_Input = "[" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "BiggerGrid" m_Input = "]" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "DecreaseInset" m_Input = "NumSub" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "IncreaseInset" m_Input = "NumAdd" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "DecreaseInset" m_Input = "-" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "IncreaseInset" m_Input = "=" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture" m_Command = "FitSelectionInView" m_Input = "Shift+A" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "ResetMappingBounds" m_Input = "Shift+LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "PickRectangle" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "Drag" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "Drag" m_Input = "Alt+LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "Noop" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "NudgeUp" m_Input = "Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "NudgeDown" m_Input = "Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "NudgeLeft" m_Input = "Left" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "NudgeRight" m_Input = "Right" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "BeginPickEdge" m_Input = "E" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "CancelPickEdge" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "PickEdge" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "DrawRectangle" m_Input = "Alt" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "DisableSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolFastTexture_UVWidget" m_Command = "ResetView" m_Input = "Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolBridge" m_Command = "AdjustParameters" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolBridge" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolBridge" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolBridge" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolBridge" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolBridge" m_Command = "IncreaseNumSteps" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolBridge" m_Command = "DecreaseNumSteps" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolBridge" m_Command = "FreeDrag" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolBridge" m_Command = "LockPoints" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolBevel" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolBevel" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolBevel" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolBevel" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolBevel" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolBevel" m_Command = "AdjustSteps" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolBevel" m_Command = "AdjustWidth" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolBevel" m_Command = "AdjustShape" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolBevel" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceBevel" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceBevel" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceBevel" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceBevel" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceBevel" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceBevel" m_Command = "AdjustExtrude" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceBevel" m_Command = "AdjustInset" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceBevel" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolFaceBevel" m_Command = "ToggleEachFace" m_Input = "X" }, { m_Context = "ToolThicken" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolThicken" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolThicken" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolThicken" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolThicken" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolThicken" m_Command = "AdjustThickness" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolThicken" m_Command = "ToggleFromCenter" m_Input = "X" }, { m_Context = "ToolThicken" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "CycleChannelsForward" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "CycleChannelsBackward" m_Input = "Shift+C" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "CycleChannelsForward" m_Input = "Mouse5" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "CycleChannelsBackward" m_Input = "Mouse4" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "PaintSecondaryBlend" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "Erase" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "Paint" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "ScaleBrush" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "AdjustHardness" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "TraceAndLiftMaterial" m_Input = "Shift+RMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "DropTool" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "NoOpDoubleClick" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "FloodFill" m_Input = "Backspace" }, { m_Context = "ToolPainting" m_Command = "SampleVertexColor" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "BrushScaleUp" m_Input = "MWheelUp" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "BrushScaleDn" m_Input = "MWheelDn" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "BrushRotCW" m_Input = "Ctrl+MWheelUp" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "BrushRotCCW" m_Input = "Ctrl+MWheelDn" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "BrushDepthUp" m_Input = "Shift+MWheelUp" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "BrushDepthDn" m_Input = "Shift+MWheelDn" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "BrushAspectUp" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+MWheelUp" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "BrushAspectDn" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+MWheelDn" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "PosOffsetUp" m_Input = "Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "PosOffsetDn" m_Input = "Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "ResetTransforms" m_Input = "Ctrl+R" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "CreateMode" m_Input = "1" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "DeleteMode" m_Input = "2" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "LocalizeMode" m_Input = "3" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "CycleHotspotUp" m_Input = "Alt+MWheelLeft" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "CycleHotspotDn" m_Input = "Alt+MWheelRight" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "ApplyTool" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "ApplyAndCloseTool" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "DropTool" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "LMouse" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "LMouseAdd" m_Input = "Shift+LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "LMouseRemove" m_Input = "Ctrl+LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "IncrementRenderOrder" m_Input = "Ctrl+Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "DecrementRenderOrder" m_Input = "Ctrl+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolStaticOverlay" m_Command = "ToggleAspect" m_Input = "X" }, { m_Context = "ToolAssetSpray" m_Command = "Spray" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolAssetSpray" m_Command = "Erase" m_Input = "Alt+LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolAssetSpray" m_Command = "ScaleBrush" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "Select" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "Select" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "Grab" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "BoxSelect" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "LassoSelect" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "TranslateLasso" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "AddObjectToSelection" m_Input = "SELECTION_ADD_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "RemoveObjectFromSelection" m_Input = "SELECTION_REMOVE_KEY"}, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "ToggleSimulation" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "SnapshotSimulation" m_Input = "G" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "ClearSelection" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "BeginPinPlacement" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "AbortPinPlacement" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "PlacePin" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "TranslateMode" m_Input = "T" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "RotateMode" m_Input = "R" }, { m_Context = "ToolPhysics" m_Command = "ScaleMode" m_Input = "E" }, { m_Context = "ToolPath" m_Command = "PlacePathNode" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPath" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolPath" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolPath" m_Command = "Apply" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolPath" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolPath" m_Command = "AdjustRadiusScale" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "Select" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "BoxSelect" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ActivateObject" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "LassoSelect" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "TranslateLasso" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "MoveSelected" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "SelectAndMove2D" m_Input = "Alt+LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "AddObjectToSelection" m_Input = "SELECTION_ADD_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "RemoveObjectFromSelection" m_Input = "SELECTION_REMOVE_KEY"}, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "StampClone" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "CloneSelection" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ToggleAlignToSurface" m_Input = "Alt" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "SelectNext" m_Input = "PgUp" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "SelectPrev" m_Input = "PgDn" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "CancelSelectOperation" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ShrinkGizmo" m_Input = "Ctrl+NumSub" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "EnlargeGizmo" m_Input = "Ctrl+NumAdd" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NextPivotTap" m_Input = "N" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NextPivotCycle" m_Input = "N+MWheelUp" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "PrevPivotCycle" m_Input = "N+MWheelDn" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ClearPivot" m_Input = "Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "CenterPivotInView" m_Input = "Ctrl+Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "SetPivotToWorldOrigin" m_Input = "Ctrl+End" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "SetPivotToSelectionCenter" m_Input = "Alt+Home" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "EndPivotManipulation" m_Input = "Ins" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "FlipNormals" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "MergeSelectedMeshes" m_Input = "M" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "SeparateMeshComponents" m_Input = "Alt+N" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NudgeUp" m_Input = "Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateUp" m_Input = "Alt+Up" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NudgeDown" m_Input = "Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateDown" m_Input = "Alt+Down" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NudgeLeft" m_Input = "Left" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateLeft" m_Input = "Alt+Left" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRight" m_Input = "Right" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NudgeRotateRight" m_Input = "Alt+Right" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ApplyMaterial" m_Input = "Shift+T" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoDebugHook" m_Input = "\\" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "SetOriginToCenter" m_Input = "End" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ClearRotationAndScale" m_Input = "Ctrl+Num0" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "MoveObjectDownByTraceLocal" m_Input = "Ctrl+Num1" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "MoveObjectDownByTrace" m_Input = "Ctrl+Num2" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ShowObjectProperties" m_Input = "Alt+Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GrowSelection" m_Input = "NumAdd" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GrowSelection" m_Input = "=" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ShrinkSelection" m_Input = "NumSub" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ShrinkSelection" m_Input = "-" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "SetOriginToPivot" m_Input = "Ctrl+D" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "AlignObjects" m_Input = "Alt+T" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "AlignObjectsRotation" m_Input = "Alt+R" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "AlignObjectsToWorkplane" m_Input = "Alt+E" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "AlignWorkplaneToObject" m_Input = "Alt+Q" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "NextVariation" m_Input = "Alt+F" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "PreviousVariation" m_Input = "Alt+V" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "HideElement" m_Input = "Alt+B" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ResetConfiguration" m_Input = "Alt+M" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ReevaluateConfiguration" m_Input = "Ctrl+F" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "BakeMeshDeformers" m_Input = "Ctrl+L" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "ToggleDeformation" m_Input = "Alt+D" }, // Private bindings not to be remapped by user. These should match ones ones in GizmoManipulator { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey0" m_Input = "Num0" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey1" m_Input = "Num1" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey2" m_Input = "Num2" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey3" m_Input = "Num3" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey4" m_Input = "Num4" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey5" m_Input = "Num5" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey6" m_Input = "Num6" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey7" m_Input = "Num7" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey8" m_Input = "Num8" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKey9" m_Input = "Num9" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKeyDecimal" m_Input = "NumDec" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoComma" m_Input = "," }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoNumKeyMinus" m_Input = "NumSub" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoClearValue" m_Input = "Backspace" }, { m_Context = "ToolSelection" m_Command = "GizmoApplyValue" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, // End private { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "ModePushPull" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "ModeFlatten" m_Input = "G" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "ModeMove" m_Input = "H" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "ModeInflate" m_Input = "Z" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "ModeClay" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "ModePinch" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "ModeErase" m_Input = "X" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "ModeSmooth" m_Input = "B" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "PickNormal" m_Input = "Ctrl+RMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "ResetNormal" m_Input = "Ctrl+Alt+RMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "Paint" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "AdjustRadius" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "SmoothModifier" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "EraseModifer" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "ReverseModifier" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "DropTool" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolmeshDisplacement" m_Command = "DropTool" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolPickEntity" m_Command = "Pick" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPickEntity" m_Command = "SelectionAddModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_ADD_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolPickEntity" m_Command = "SelectionRemoveModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_REMOVE_KEY"}, { m_Context = "ToolPickEntity" m_Command = "CancelTool" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolPickEntity" m_Command = "FinishTool" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolPlaceNavWalkable" m_Command = "Place" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolPlaceNavWalkable" m_Command = "CancelTool" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolWorkPlane" m_Command = "PickWorkPlaneFromSurface" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolWorkPlane" m_Command = "PickWorkPlaneFromObject" m_Input = "Shift+LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolWorkPlane" m_Command = "WorkPlaneModeTranslate" m_Input = "Shift+T" }, { m_Context = "ToolWorkPlane" m_Command = "WorkPlaneModeRotate" m_Input = "Shift+R" }, { m_Context = "ToolWorkPlane" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolWorkPlane" m_Command = "ResetWorkPlaneAndDropTool" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolWorkPlane" m_Command = "DropTool" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolWorkPlane" m_Command = "DropTool" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolTerrain" m_Command = "AdjustBrush" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolTerrain" m_Command = "AdjustBrushPressure" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolTerrain" m_Command = "ApplyBrush" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolTerrain" m_Command = "ApplyBrushErase" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolTerrain" m_Command = "ApplyBrushSmooth" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolTerrain" m_Command = "ApplyBrushAlternate" m_Input = "Alt" }, { m_Context = "TerrainGraphEditor" m_Command = "DeleteSelected" m_Input = "Del" }, { m_Context = "TerrainGraphEditorView" m_Command = "PanView" m_Input = "RMouse" }, { m_Context = "TerrainGraphEditorView" m_Command = "PanView" m_Input = "Alt+MMouse" }, { m_Context = "TerrainGraphEditorView" m_Command = "ZoomView" m_Input = "Alt+RMouse" }, { m_Context = "TerrainGraphEditorView" m_Command = "ZoomViewInStep" m_Input = "MWheelUp" }, { m_Context = "TerrainGraphEditorView" m_Command = "ZoomViewOutStep" m_Input = "MWheelDn" }, { m_Context = "TerrainGraphEditorView" m_Command = "FitSelectionInView" m_Input = "Shift+A" }, { m_Context = "TerrainGraphEditorView" m_Command = "FitSelectionInView" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "TerrainGraphEditorView" m_Command = "FitAllInView" m_Input = "A" }, { m_Context = "ToolMeshProjection" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolMeshProjection" m_Command = "Finish" m_Input = "NumEnter" }, { m_Context = "ToolMeshProjection" m_Command = "UpdateProjection" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolMeshProjection" m_Command = "Cancel" m_Input = "Esc" }, // Entity Outputs { m_Context = "EntityOutputWidget" m_Command = "Delete" m_Input = "Del" }, { m_Context = "EntityOutputWidget" m_Command = "Copy" m_Input = "Ctrl+C" }, { m_Context = "EntityOutputWidget" m_Command = "Paste" m_Input = "Ctrl+V" }, { m_Context = "EntityOutputWidget" m_Command = "CreateNew" m_Input = "Ctrl+N" }, //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Tile Editor Bindings //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // All modes { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModeBrushHeight" m_Input = "Q" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModeBrushWater" m_Input = "E" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModeBrushPath" m_Input = "R" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModeBrushTrees" m_Input = "T" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModeBrushPlants" m_Input = "Y" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModeBrushBlends" m_Input = "O" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModeEditObjects" m_Input = "U" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModeSelect" m_Input = "I" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModeEnableDisableTiles" m_Input = "H" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "CycleModeForward" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "CycleModeBack" m_Input = "Shift+Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "NextVariation" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "PreviousVariation" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "SelectNextTileSet" m_Input = "N" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "AssignCurrentTileSet" m_Input = "Shift+C" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "AssignNextTileSet" m_Input = "Ctrl+D" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "AssignPreviousTileSet" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+D" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "DeleteObject" m_Input = "Del" }, // Item selection mode { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "Select" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "LassoSelect" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BoxSelect" m_Input = "X+MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ClearSelection" m_Input = "Esc" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "RandomVariation" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "CollapseTiles" m_Input = "Ctrl+F" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "RaiseTiles" m_Input = "G" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "LowerTiles" m_Input = "B" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "SelectionAddModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_ADD_KEY" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "SelectionRemoveModifier" m_Input = "SELECTION_REMOVE_KEY"}, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "CopyItems" m_Input = "Ctrl+C" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "PasteItems" m_Input = "Ctrl+V" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BeginPaste" m_Input = "Ctrl+Shift+V" }, // Paste mode { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ApplyPaste" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ApplyPaste" m_Input = "Ctrl+V" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ApplyPaste" m_Input = "Space" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "FinishPaste" m_Input = "Enter" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "CancelPaste" m_Input = "Esc" }, // Enable / disable mode { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "EnableDisableTile" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "EnableTileModifier" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "LassoEnableDisable" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BoxEnableDisable" m_Input = "X+MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "EnableDisableCutDummy" m_Input = "Ctrl+X" }, // Brush Modes { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "AdjustRadius" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ApplyBrush" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "StampBrush" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "RaiseVertex" m_Input = "G" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "LowerVertex" m_Input = "B" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "EraseBrush" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BrushAlternateMode" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BrushHeightOffsetMode" m_Input = "X" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BrushTilesetMode" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BrushAdjustDensity" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BrushIncreaseTreeHeight" m_Input = "G" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BrushDecreaseTreeHeight" m_Input = "B" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BrushChangeObjectType" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BrushChangeTreePitch" m_Input = "X" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BrushCutDummy" m_Input = "Ctrl+X" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BrushRotateObjects" m_Input = "Shift+MMouse" }, // Blend editing { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BlendAdjustRadius" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BlendApplyBrush" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BlendStampBrush" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BlendEraseBrush" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BlendBrushAdjustPressure" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BlendBrushSharpness" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BlendBrushSmooth" m_Input = "X" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "BlendBrushMaterialSet" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "SelectNextMaterialSet" m_Input = "N" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "SetBlendModeLayer0" m_Input = "F" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "SetBlendModeLayer1" m_Input = "G" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "SetBlendModeLayer2" m_Input = "V" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "SetBlendModeLayer3" m_Input = "B" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "SetBlendModeColor" m_Input = "Alt+C" }, // Object editing { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "AddObject" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "AddObject" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ToggleRemoveObject" m_Input = "Ctrl" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModifyObject" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ModifyObject" m_Input = "LMouseDoubleClick" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "RandomObjectVariation" m_Input = "C" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "DragObject" m_Input = "LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "RotateObject" m_Input = "X+LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "RotateObject" m_Input = "MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "PitchObject" m_Input = "B+LMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "PitchObject" m_Input = "Shift+MMouse" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "DragClone" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "StampObject" m_Input = "Shift" }, { m_Context = "ToolDotaTileEditor" m_Command = "ToggleSnapping" m_Input = "TOGGLE_SNAPPING_KEY" }, ] }